Saitama business office

Saitama business office
Country name
2-8-15 Yoshinodai, Kawagoe-City, Saitama, 350-8577, Japan
81-90-3324-5521 (Main)
- With a highly efficient process layout, the plant has a consistent production line covering everything from molding to painting and assembly. In April 2005, a 550t resin molding machine was added to the line, and the plant is now developing a specialized technology for resin parts molding. The plant also has the equipment for glass processing and film forming (from cut and bend to spatter chrome film formation, hydrophilic spatter film formation).
In addition, environmental measures such as recycling and pollution-free activities are promoted on the resin paint line. While aiming to achieve an increased yield rate, the plant is also spreading technologies to other production sites including those overseas.
Business Content
- Production of door mirrors and outside door handles mainly for HM Sayama Factory
- Supply mirrors for door mirrors to production sites in Japan and overseas
- Production of exterior plastic parts for door mirrors and outside door handles, using 140 to 550t molding machines
- Painting of exterior parts for door mirror and outside door handles.